Monday, February 20, 2012

wheels are a turning

so I started a 2 new dolls, the first one was smaller that the rest because I was researching backgrounds, I decided to create a "stage" like setting by having it fold out adding a whole new dimension to my paper dolls.  After doing that I decided that my show will be separated into "acts" with little blurps about each doll and what they represent. So I went forth and created my new doll and I morphed the female boday with their animal counterpart. I'm still not done with it but I will be posting the finished product

Monday, February 6, 2012

the orgins of my idea

by the end of fall semester I started creating large paper dolls for my BFA show, I decided to go for a Goddess feel in the natural world,  creating an understanding of spiritually as a woman, and linking women with animals and techincally looking at the layout and what I can do to the backgrounds.  I was also experiementing on how to make my pieces interactive so people can dress the doll, I found that vinyl cling works with out any stickiness and I mount the doll on foamcore 
 -- I am still working on this idea for this semester for my show

Friday, February 3, 2012

First Post!

so I started to blog about my illustrations, mainly paper dolls and the artists that influnce me