Friday, September 14, 2012

2 New Dolls!

I haven't names these 2 yet and I haven't quite finished the little details.  The first one is a warbler, and the other a wolf (which is a redesigned paper doll from 2 semesters ago). I just to see all the dresses together, I used the same format as the first 2.  I will be changing the format soon, I know there is a ton of work I can do.  So far the semester has been very productive! and many more paper dolls to make...

Thursday, September 6, 2012


book making is probably one of my favorite things to do, so to start off the school year, I made an accordion book fold (I'll be posting pictures of the book folded out and the process later).  I've been trying to simplify my color choices to get a better flow, and I think I am getting it down!
This semester is going to be crazy, 4 studios and I'll cracking down on my BFA thesis so there will be a definite documentation and posting!