Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy October!

Happy October! I haven't posted in a long time... and its time to get back into the groove of things!
So here is a little Halloween paper doll and I made her into a card as well. I was looking at Joan Walsh Augland's paper dolls.
I''ve been helping out in Ingrid's Typography class and it has been a blast. And I'm also looking into grad schools. The applications are started and I plan on visiting school this month as well!

Monday, May 20, 2013

more 6x6

these are more submissions to the 6x6x2013 exhibition here in Rochester, I wanted to submit stuff from my BFA and paper dolls. They are 20 bucks a pop and money goes toward the Rochester Contemporary Art Center. There have been over 6,000 entries from all over the world and I'm glad to be apart of the community that I volunteered last Friday, I only hung about 150 pieces. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Who's that Girl? ... It's JESS!

I just had to do this, and its the end of the semester so IT'S JESS! I will be doing the whole New Girl gang too! Jess isn't probably done with her clothes either, so keep your eye out!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Russian Nesting Dolls

final project for History of Graphic Design. Russian Nesting Doll with my heritage and national flower. Irish; shamrock, German; cornflower, Scottish; thistle, English; tudor rose, Cherokee; Cherokee rose

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Art Deco Inspiration

These two illustrations are being submitted into Rochester Contemporary Art Center's 6x6 Art Exhibition. They were also for my History of Graphic Design class and were Art Deco influenced. I wanted to make and advertisement and then I decided to illustrate The Lumineer's song Flapper Girl. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

its all up in the stars

latest paper doll set! I wanted them to be more dream-like than the other ones. This is a reaction piece after my BFA review. I wanted to use the accordion book at a backdrop for the paper dolls and to in case them so they can travel.

Accordion Books

Monday, April 8, 2013

Playing Cards

well, sorry for not posting for a while, here is a project from my history of graphic design class, we have to pick a 20th century art movement, a face card and 4 suites other than the classic; hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. So naturally I chose Art Nouveau, queens and the four seasons. It was a nice break from making books and paper dolls. More posts about my latest book and paper dolls to come shortly!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BFA Exhibition

well it finally happened! the show opened last night and I had a great turn out! Everyone had fun playing and reading the books I made. Its a bittersweet feeling having it all up, I am very excited and happy for the turnout, but I know I will be sad later when I have to take it all down. This BFA exhibition was one roller coaster of emotions and I loved every step of the way.  I had so much support from my family, friends, and professors and want to thank them all. Without them I could have not have done all of this. I will be posting my artist statement later.