Monday, October 20, 2014

Gone with the Wind Book Cover Design for Teens

For my typography class we had to design an American Classic novel, I chose Gone with the Wind. We had to design for two different audiences, adults and teens. This assignment has really opened my eyes to hand lettering and its awesomeness! This is my teen version, I will be posting the adult soon! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

L is for Little Women

L for Little Women 
A drop cap for my type class, inspiration came from Brittney Lee and others from the book Lovely. 

Well I haven't been updating a lot, but I feel that I will more since I am getting an MFA in Communication Design at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania! Its been a big change but so far I love it! This is the first project that I've liked in a while. I'm trying a new style and applying the gouache flat and I like what's happening 

I've been working on Little Women paper dolls but I haven't finished them all yet. They are done in my old style so I hope I can get them done and move on to better things. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year, New Beginnings!

Happy New Year! Since graduating Brockport last May, I was kinda was in a slump until Ingrid offered me a Teaching Assistant job for Typography I. And I fell in love with teaching college students and realized thats what I wanted to do. This made me research grad schools, visit and start the application process.

Applications were due by January 15th and with the holidays, and work I had little time to do my own creating. So after the due dates I was finally able to relax and start my New Year's resolution of creating projects and using new materials, and of course more paper doll making.

These projects happened the past 3 days and its been a blast! I started with the mermaid with acrylic and had a last minute commission for a paper doll for a 3 year old's birthday and it was fun designing dresses for a little girl. Then I organized a craft night with my family, making stencils and learning simple stitching. Classes start up the last week in January and I can't wait to go back and help teach.